Why Is Stormwater Management Important? Why Should It Be Incentivized?
During a heavy rainfall, impervious surfaces such as parking lots, rooftops, and roads do not allow rainwater to be absorbed into the soil, resulting in large amounts of water traveling directly into our waterways. Stormwater runoff quickly becomes contaminated with pollutants, oil, garbage, and debris which is transported directly to our watersheds. In the District of Columbia, 43% of the land is made up of impervious surfaces which creates huge surges of water during heavy storms that not only contaminate local water sources but can also cause the erosion of stream banks over time.
In order to prevent this massive surge of polluted water from entering our streams and rivers,GS Rainwater Harvesting Tank strive to increase the amount of permeable land that can absorb rainwater or to harvest and store the water before it becomes runoff. There are a number of rainwater management systems, including modular rainwater harvesting tank, green roofs, rain gardens, and permeable pavement. Rainwater harvesting systems allow rainwater to be collected and stored for non-drinking purposes such as toilet flushing, irrigation, cooling tower makeup water, and wash-bay water.
Related reading: Rainwater Harvesting System Rainwater Storage Tanks